Magie Blanche

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Magie Blanche ou dite "Magie Bienfaisante" est la magie divine, dépourvue d'égoïsme, d'amour du pouvoir, d'ambition ou de lucre ; elle s'applique seulement à faire le bien au monde en général, et à son voisin en particulier. La plus petite tentation en vue d'utiliser ses pouvoirs anormaux pour sa propre satisfaction change l'utilisation des dits pouvoirs en sorcellerie ou magie noire.

(source : "Glossaire Théosophique" d'Héléna Blavatsky)

Magies blanche et noire et magiciens (leçon 125)

You ask me to tell you "to whom or to what I refer in making use of the terms White and Black Magic." In contradistinction to the terra "white magician" the terra "black magician" is now applied to any devotee of the negative or evil principle of life, and as prefixes, the terms white and black are so applied because of the difficulty experienced in finding words in the English language that will exactly interpret Sanscrit terms generally used to designate interior orders of life. For instance, the terms "Arhat and Dugpa," indicative of the embodied spiritual intelligences of two degrees of life have been for long centuries unknown, misunderstood and misrepresented or repudiated by narrow sectarian devotees of orthodox forms of religion.

The word "magic," from the root "magi," bas been used for ages in the far East to denote a sacred science which is inseparable from religion. An Arhat is one of a very high and powerful order of intelligences comparable to one order of the Archangels referred to in Biblical lore. A Dugpa is one of a correspondingly powerful order of intelligences, who uses his power for selfish purposes, even to the debasement of his fellow creatures.

During one definite period of time, the middle of a Maha Yuga or great age, a Dugpa might exert as much or even more power over lesser orders of life than the Arhat, but the power of the Dugpa is continually waning, from that period to the end of the age, while that of the Arhat is increasing.

From the description given by some writers, a Dugpa and a devil might appear to be synonymous terms, but the wise one knows that there is a vast difference, for the latter is an irresponsible creature, being one of a lower spiritual order – the fire elementals – which have never yet been incarnated in physical bodies.

Evolutionary law makes use of the Dugpa for the testing of a human being, but it does not willfully or blindly create him for such a purpose. There is a fine line of demarcation to be found between good and evil, white and black, positive and negative forces, although not always perceptible to the average man. In the consideration of White and Black magic that line is exceptionally fine; it belongs to the order of "little things" frequently referred to by us – original causes of cosmic-wide events. It is said that the two paths of White and Black magic run side by side, and this is true, for a long distance, but there is a certain definite point where they meet and cross, and one or the other must disappear from manifested life at that point.

It is a great mistake to dwell upon the thought that any mischance, any wrong act or antagonistic thought is directly the work of a Black Magician, for while such may or may not be the original cause of some untoward event, if it were true that such a cause were set up, the added force supplied by the secondary vehicle in the form of individual thought, word or act, may be all that is required to turn the balance of power and bring into materialized form or action the negative force dominating the mentality of the black magician, and only waiting a suitable vehicle for representation. Unfortunately such an entity is liable to find the needed vehicle in some associate who may have hitherto been all that could be desired in the way of a friend or comrade, who has been deceived or led into over-consideration of the importance, or fear of the results, of some specific action threatened by a black magician. You would neither fear nor despise a live wire as long as you knew the electric energy passing through the molecules at any time could not leave that wire and leap into your body without such a conductor as you atone could supply.

If you will all strive to render yourselves, body and mind, immune to such entitised forces as the black magicians have been rightly termed – the great Disintegrators, you will deprive them of so many victims. The words, "by their fruits ye shall know them", are peculiarly applicable to those entities, for all the power at their command is used on fines of separation ; and in no instance may you feel so sure of their malignant presence and action as when you see some body of former friends or comrades being torn apart for no sufficient cause. The ability of those entities to manufacture and furnish what appears to be sufficient cause for such action, and its ready acceptance by the majority of human kind, is truly phenomenal.

When a realization of the underlying cause of all human woe and suffering dawns on the mind of a deep student of life's mysteries ; when even on the greatest heights of bliss attainable by human kind, there comes to him the consciousness that such bliss is meaningless, worthless and transitory unless it can be shared with others ; when one who loves his race comprehends that he must remain outside of the real life of every other soul, until he has broken down forever the barriers between them and himself, and that no effort of his in any other direction can change that fact ; when he understands that even if he were able to open the physical heart of a beloved friend and imprison his body therein and close up the entrance, he would be no nearer the real self of that friend ; understands that notwithstanding all the longing, the praying, the hard striving, all the ambition and battling with nature forces to gain something that never can be gained by him in his present state of development until he can break down those watts of separation, i. e., union with and perfect understanding of the thing or creature his desire has been fixed upon ; and at the same time comprehends that the ultimate cause of all that anguish and all the suffering, all the loneliness, the useless effort, is due clone to the separation of soul from soul – of the created from the Creator the Father – Mother from the child ; THEN – and then only he comes to a realization of the awfulness of the and the hideous, dastardly, fiendish work of the Black Magicians and the conscious or unconscious disciples of the latter, who have been made vehicles for the transmission of this deadly power.

Only Divine Love can sound the depths of the horrors of that sin, and only the highest love of which man is capable can possibly sense the gulf that lies between separation from and unification with God.

Tear down the barriers, children of my soul ! Shut out from your hearts nothing in the Universe save the thing or creature that would separate you from other human souls ; for only in union with those other human souls will you ever find God – find Love Incarnate – find Peace and Fulfillment.

Every barrier you build between other human souls is a barrier between your God and your own soul, between your Higher Self and you.

(source : Les Enseignements du Temple de Maître Hilarion)

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